Queens Masonic District

United For The Future

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          Queensboro Lodge No. 892 held its first meeting on Thursday, December 4, 1986 in Forest Hills Masonic Temple, 101-01 Metropolitan Avenue, Forest Hills, NY.  The lodge was granted its new charter by the Grand Lodge of the State of New York on May 6th, 1987.  The working charter until that time was granted by order of M\W\ Robert C. Singer, then Grand Master, in a letter dated September 6, 1986.  The lodge’s Stated Meetings are on the First and Third Thursdays of each Month (except July and August). Queensboro Lodge No. 892 is a consolidation of Cathedral Granite Lodge No. 1011 and Richmond Hill Wakefield Lodge No. 892.  The first Master of Queensboro Lodge was W\ Gregg A. Montgomery. 

Richmond Hill Wakefield No. 892 was a result of the merger of Richmond Hill and Wakefield Lodges in January 1978.  The first Master was R\W\ Charles L. Schueler Jr. Cathedral Granite Lodge No. 1011 was a result of the merging of Cathedral and Granite Lodges in 1976.  The first Master was W\ Robert Froehlich. 


Richmond Hill Lodge No. 892 is the oldest lodge of Queensboro’s predecessor lodges.  It was Instituted on May 17, 1911 and Chartered May 8, 1912.  Richmond Hill Lodge built Richmond Hill Temple on 114th Street (just north of Jamaica Avenue).  The cornerstone for the Temple was laid on July 17, 1915, and it was completed & dedicated on March 15, 1916.  The lodge was a community-based lodge.  Its first Master was W\Frank E. Phillips, a prominent local lawyer. 


Granite Lodge No. 1011 was instituted on November 25, 1922, and chartered on May 3, 1923 with 34 charter members.  Granite Lodge grew out of the membership of Tadmor Lodge No. 923, partially as a result of the tremendous membership boom for Freemasonry in the early 1920’s.  The members of Granite Lodge were primarily from the Ridgewood Glendale area.  The first Master was W\ William C. Wutz. 


Cathedral Lodge No. 1031 was instituted on November 19, 1923 and Chartered in May of the following year.  The lodge members primarily came from the South Richmond Hill area.  The first Master was W\ Arthur H. Smith, who was raised in Independent Royal Arch No. 2. 


Wakefield Lodge No. 1110 was Instituted September 8, 1930, and Chartered on May 7, 1931.  The lodge members were primarily from the South Ozone Park area.  The first Master was W\ William A. Rauh. 


Our current Master, R\ W\Stewart C. McCloud II, is committed to doing good ritual work and growing Lodge membership. With 136 members as of year-end 2013, Queensboro Lodge reflects substantial ethnic and generational diversity, and will continue to grow.  With several members of the officer line living in the nearby Queens communities of College Point and Flushing, the Lodge continues to be a beacon for Freemasonry.


Queensboro Lodge meets on the First and Third Thursday of the month (except July and August) at 7:30pm.


Meeting Location:  Anchor-Astoria Temple

18-14 College Point Boulevard

College Point, NY 11356-2260


For Information contact:

 R\W\Richard T. Schulz, Secretary

Home: 718-381-8925, Cell: 917-648-9859   

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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Fri Jan 17 @ 6:30PM -
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Sat Jan 18 @ 8:00PM -
Tue Jan 21 @ 7:30PM -
Cornucopia-3rd Degree Rehearsal
Wed Jan 22 @ 7:30PM -
Road to the East
Thu Jan 23 @ 7:30PM -
QMA Meeting
Tue Jan 28 @ 7:30PM -
Springfield Gardens-Business Meeting
Wed Jan 29 @ 7:30PM -
Road to the East
Thu Jan 30 @ 7:30PM -
Anchor-Astoria-Junior Past Master's Night

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