Queens Masonic District

United For The Future

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Queens Purple Circle

           The Queens Purple Circle is an organization of Right Worshipfuls organized in 1970. R\W\Lawrence J. Hammel, Sr., was elected the first President and served 23 one year terms. Current Officers serve two year terms, which co-inside with the Grand Lodge Officers Term.


           The purpose of the Queens Purple Circle is to:

a) Promote the principles of Freemasonry in the Queens District.

b) Encourage harmony and friendship among its members and lodges by continuing the spirit of Brotherhood and Charity.

c) Strengthen the Lodges in our District by offering our aid, guidance and support.

d) Hold meetings, social functions and events for the realization of the above.


          To be eligible for membership one must be or have been an appointed or elected a Grand Lodge Officer of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York, or a Grand Representative from another recognized Jurisdiction to the Grand Lodge of New York, or is/has been a appointed or elected a Grand Lodge Officer of another recognized Grand Lodge and is a member in good standing of a Queens Lodge.  


          The major event sponsored by the Queens Purple Circle is the annual   R\W\Herman Weiss Award which began in 1989. The award medal is in honor of R\W\ Herman Weiss who devoted over 60 years to the craft. His unselfish devotion to Masonry touched all who surrounded him. His lists of achievements are many and serve as an example for our Brothers to follow. This Award is presented to a Brother or Worshipful Brother who exemplifies R\W\Herman Weiss through his service to the Queens District. Right Worshipful Brothers who distinguished themselves through many years of service to the Queens District are awarded the R\W\Herman Weiss Medallion.


R\W\Larry I. Schlesinger


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1st Vice-President

R\W\Greg Artinger

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 R\W\Stuart H. Singer

2nd Vice-President

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R\W\Stewart C. McCloud II


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R\W\Daniel V. Gaglio


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