Queens Masonic District

United For The Future

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Queens Masonic Association

          The Queens Masonic Association, the charitable organization of the Queens Masonic District was incorporated on February 8, 1928.  The first President was Brother Thomas J. Towers who served from 1924-1925.

          Through the charitable donations made by the Brothers of the District during our Spring and Fall appeal we have been able to help those organizations in need.

          Each other year a Brother of the District is awarded the M\W\Charles W. Froessel Distinguished Service Award. The recipient of the award is chosen by the President and approved by the Board for either his work in the QMA, the District, or Masonry in itself. In 1970, Brother William R. Knapp was the first recipient of this award.

          Every other year the outgoing District Deputy Grand Master and Grand Lodge Staff Officer are honored for their two years of service to Grand Lodge and the District.

          Brothers of any Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of any jurisdiction recognized by the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of New York shall be eligible for membership if they are currently a member of a Queens Lodge.


          There are Committees that help the QMA operate properly. The Standing Committees of the Association are Activities; Projects; Social Welfare; Blood Donor Program; Audit; Budget; Nominating; and Scholarship.




Joseph J. Saglimbene – President

Ramon Mojica – 1st Vice-President

Victor K. Han –  2nd Vice-President

Marino Cesarini – Treasurer

Daniel V. Gaglio – Secretary




Gregory Noulas – Chairman

Gene Langworty

Andrew Kruzykowski

Alan Schneider

     Robert Servidio

Alan Schneider





William R. Knapp* - 1970                       Charles E. Rome* - 1971

Charles W. Froessel* - 1972                    Herman Weiss* - 1973

Walter Thompsen* - 1974                      Arthur R. Kaufer* - 1975

Louis J. Schaffner* - 1976                       Lawrence J. Hammel, Sr.* - 1977

Theodore J. Serviss* - 1978                    James Williams* - 1979

Roger C. Kipp* - 1980                             T. George Abernathy* - 1981

Robert H. Stahl* -1982                           George W. Mihan, Jr.* - 1983

Ernest Leonardi* - 1984                         Arthur G, Ury, Jr.* - 1985

Fred A. Ellis* - 1986                                Ben Werkman* - 1987

Fred Tewes* - 1988                                 Bernard J. Manford - 1989

William V. Quackenbush* - 1990           Maurice M. Berger - 1991

Albert O. Klipfel - 1992                           Lawrence J. Hammel, Jr. - 1993

Leon Polansky* - 1994                            Jerome Rosenthal - 1995      

George M. Lee, Jr.* - 1996                      Edward Bellemare* - 1997          

Edward W. Middendorf, Sr. - 1998        Everett Klein* - 1999

Stewart C. McCloud* - 2000                   Donald J. Kaiser - 2001

Eugene Schmidt* - 2002                         Marino Cesarini - 2003

George D. Blasch - 2004                          Robert Olmo, Jr. - 2005

Richard T. Schulz - 2006                          Gordon W. Bennett* - 2007

Robert Servidio- 2008                             Paul K. Gibbon* - 2009

Roland Grebinger - 2010                         James Maskiell - 2011

 Joseph Sheehan - 2012                          Raymond Smith - 2013

James Tweedie - 2014                             Howard E. Bonsaing - 2015

Richard Primiano - 2016                         Jamshed Ghadiali - 2017

Gregory Noulas - 2018




Thomas J. Towers* - 1924-25                       Edward Carman* - 1926-27

Moses Symington* - 1928-29                      Charles W. Froessel* - 1930

Charles H. Lavington* - 1931                       Sidney Nordinger* - 1932

 Clarence L. Clark*- 1933                              Arthur G. Peacock* - 1934

John W. Clancy* - 1935                                Garrett Van Siclen* - 1936

Herman Weiss* - 1937                                  Stephen H. Howell* - 1938

Joseph A. Neumann* - 1939                        William Ruckstuhl* - 1940

William F. Angus* - 1941                             Roger C. Kipp* - 1942

Rex T. Taylor* - 1943                                   Gilbert Woodworth* - 1944

William R. Knapp* - 1945                            Charles Brynych* - 1946

Clifton R. Lovejoy- 1947                              Theodore Berkman* - 1948

Michael J. Pecora* - 1949                           Theodore J. Serviss* - 1950

A. Ralph Wexler*- 1951                               Robert H. Stahl* - 1952

John Wetherington* - 1953                        Carl J. Luchatz* - 1954

Warren Barrington* - 1955                         Winfield L. Hunt* - 1956

Albert G. Pfluger* - 1957                             Arvo E. Lainen* - 1958

Frank H. Madge* - 1959                              Walter Thompsen* - 1960

Arthur R. Kaufer*- 1961                              John Hartmann* - 1962

Morris Fierson* - 1963                                 Henry W. Schober* - 1964

Lawrence J. Hammel, Sr.* - 1965                Henry J. Falkenheim* - 1966

T. George Abernathy* - 1967                      David W. Armet* - 1968

John Neil* - 1969                                          John Distler* - 1970

Edwin J. Weiss - 1971                                   George W. Wandell* - 1972

Bernard J. Manford - 1973                          Walter A. Hochreiter* - 1974

Ben Werkman* - 1975                                 Anthony J. Presutti* - 1976

Arthur G. Ury, Jr.* - 1977                            Fred Tewes* - 1978

John P. Sochran - 1979                                Dr. Sidney Diamond* - 1980

Maurice M. Berger - 1981                           Fred A. Ellis* - 1982

George A. Hughes* - 1983                          James S. Leete* - 1984

Lawrence J. Hammel, Jr. - 1985                  Edward J. Berenger, Jr.* - 1986

George Flandorffer, Jr.* - 1987                  Edward C. Crisp* - 1988

George Leslie Colvin - 1989                        George M. Lee, Jr.* - 1990

Fred E. Muckle - 1991                                 George D. Steinhage - 1992

Robert Olmo, Jr. - 1993                               Richard T. Schulz - 1994

Henry L. Schlesinger - 1995                        William Dorman* - 1996

James Maskiell - 1997                                  Ernest G. Mueller* - 1998

Kenneth Wagner - 1999                              Stewart C. McCloud II - 2000

Dave Shenkoff - 2001                                   Tom Glikis - 2002

Robert Servidio - 2003                                 Paul K. Gibbon - 2004

Christos Papadopoulos - 2005                     Ramon A. Miller, Sr. - 2006

Joseph J. Saglimbene - 2007                         George A. Wacob - 2008

Edward Baktis - 2009                                    Jamshed Ghadiali - 2010-11

Joseph Cialone - 2012                                   Joseph J. Saglimbene - 2013

Russell Strine-2014                                        Thomas Nazario* - 2015

Joseph J. Saglimbene - 2016-18                   Richard Araya - 2019   









































Latest Events

Thu Jan 16 @ 7:30PM -
Anchor-Astoria-2nd Degree
Fri Jan 17 @ 6:30PM -
Beefsteak Dinner
Fri Jan 17 @ 7:30PM -
Harmony-By-Laws Vote
Sat Jan 18 @ 8:00PM -
Tue Jan 21 @ 7:30PM -
Cornucopia-3rd Degree Rehearsal
Wed Jan 22 @ 7:30PM -
Road to the East
Thu Jan 23 @ 7:30PM -
QMA Meeting
Tue Jan 28 @ 7:30PM -
Springfield Gardens-Business Meeting
Wed Jan 29 @ 7:30PM -
Road to the East
Thu Jan 30 @ 7:30PM -
Anchor-Astoria-Junior Past Master's Night

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