Queens Masonic District

United For The Future

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          In 1864, under dispensation, Cornucopia Lodge #563 became the First Masonic Organization to be formed in the Village of Flushing. The Village of Flushing was not part of New York City and it became the first Lodge formed in the Queens Area. The Lodges that recommended the dispensation to form Cornucopia Lodge were Morton Lodge #63 of Hempstead and Jamaica Lodge #546 of Kings.

          On June 9, 1865 at Grand Lodges Annual Communication it was voted to grant Cornucopia a Charter, the Charter was granted on June 21 and signed on June 22, 1865.

In 1868 Cornucopia Lodge was made part of the 4th Masonic District which included Kings County, Queens County and Suffolk County. In September of 1868 Suffolk County and Queens County became known as the 24th Masonic District and R\W\L. Bradford Prince, the 2nd Master of Cornucopia (1868 – 1870), was appointed the District Deputy.


Cornucopia Lodge purchased the property on the corner of Northern Boulevard and Union Street in Flushing to build their own Masonic Temple and on June 13, 1908 the cornerstone was laid and dedicated. Cornucopia Temple became the first multi-story brick building built in Flushing. It served as the home of Cornucopia Lodge until 1990 when the Lodge was forced to sell the building due to the high real estate taxes imposed by the City of New York. The original building still exists at that location today.

          Cornucopia Lodge #563 is the only Lodge in the Queens District that has never merged and still holds its original name and number as well as its original Charter.

Cornucopia Lodge meets on the First and Third Tuesday of the month (except July and August) at 7:30pm. The first meeting in September can be cancelled by a vote of the members.


Meeting Location: Whitestone Masonic Temple

149-39 11th Avenue

Whitestone, NY  11357-1720


For Information contact:

R\W\Marino Cesarini, Secretary

Phone: (516) 741-6989, Cell: (516) 306-1157 

 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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