Queens Oldest Lodge
Queens Oldest Lodge --- Still Growing
We, the Brothers of the Queens District, have a Lodge within our boarders that held its first Communication on September 19, 1864. It holds the distinction of being longest lived Lodge in our District. The first gavel was rapped at that time in Cornucopia Lodge #563. In June of 1865 the Lodge was Duly Warranted by the M W Robert D. Holmes, Grand Master of Masons in the State of New York.
The earliest communications of Cornucopia Lodge were held in the top floor of the Riesen Berger Building on Main Street in Flushing. A few years later in a building designed and erected by Mr. Clemet Bloodgood, a handsome Lodge room was designed and built for the use of Cornucopia Lodge on the top floor of this building. Now, the Lodge was located near Main Street on busy Broadway which today is called Northern Boulevard. Cornucopia flourished there and grew greatly in the number of Brothers in attendance. Being cramped by too small a space, the W James A. Dayton and his administration, moved the Lodge to a wondrous new Temple, designed and built just for the Lodge, on Broadway [Northern Blvd.] near Union Street. The glorious dedication was on November 18, 1909.
Over the next 20 years Cornucopia divided its territory with four off-springs, Anchor Lodge of College Point, Whitestone Lodge, Paumonok Lodge of Great Neck and Bayside Lodge all turned into very successful Lodges during this time.
Cornucopia Lodge has been honored since its beginnings with having its members in the Grand Lodge Line. The Distinguished Ex-Governor W B L. Bradford Prince was the District Deputy Grand Master of Queens 1868 thru 1871 and 1876. He was appointed Grand Standard Bearer 1877 – 1878. He was also Grand Representative of the Grand Lodge of New Mexico, near the Grand Lodge of the State of New York. Most recently the members of Cornucopia still have Brothers to be proud of, R W Marino Cesarini Past Grand Treasurer, Past District Deputy Grand Master, R W Robert Olmo Past Grand Steward and R W Robert Servidio Past Grand Marshal
In 1888 Cornucopia instituted an outreach called the Immediate Relief Organization, which from its inception was a great help to the families of departed Brothers. Each new year since that time Cornucopia has brought new and progressive ideas into the district. Education is a mainstay of this Lodge and this is one of the ways it keeps Brothers coming to Lodge. All of these small pieces work together in making Cornucopia a successful Lodge and the promotion of good fellowship bring all of the Brothers together whether in the Lodge or out in the District at the many functions they are involved in. If you happen to be in the Whitestone area on the first or third Tuesday of the Month you will receive a warm welcome from all the Brothers of Cornucopia Lodge.
Respectfully Submitted
W\Nicholas V. Isabella
Queens District Historian
P.S. If you have a story about Masonry or your Lodge contact me at:
917-623-4572 or e-mail- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thank you all my Brothers.