The Queens Hiramic Drama Team
Wednesday evening, December 9, a group of Minstrel Masons came to Advance Masonic Temple in Astoria and gave a rendition of the Hiramic Drama for all the Queens District to see. The Brothers who were in the Drama were not actors, but, they put on a great performance. They were lead by RW Greg Noulas who really understood what Leonardo Di Vinci said, “Where the Spirit does not work with the heart, there is no art!” and this rendition was true ART! The Brothers who had speaking parts did them with true feeling and even the Brothers who were the Fellowcrafts in the drama engaged the audience. The room was enraptured with the DRAMA.
This was truly a note-worthy rendition of the Hiramic Drama. The actors really served us a fine treat in their representation of the Drama. Kudos to RW Greg Noulas for getting this group in the right spirit to give the Queens District Master Masons this Drama. Thank you to RW Stewart McCloud II for his help in directing it, and a special thanks to RW Ed Betts for all of the costumes.
As a District we have come a long way, it just proves that Brothers working together can create and achieve GREAT things. Thank you to all the Brothers who participated and came to watch the Hiramic Legend. I am sure this will be done again in the future for all those who did not have the opportunity to see it or have become newly raised Brothers.
Kudos to all you Brother actors,
Bro. Nick Isabella
Queens District Historian